Dear Huron County Citizen:
I am sorry if you have become the unfortunate victim of a crime.
I recognize that you may be unfamiliar with court procedures and the law. To help you overcome your concerns and to answer questions you may have, I encourage you to read this page on this website and contact me, or my Crime Victim Advocate if the crime happened here in Huron County. The staff here will do all they can to help you.
My Advocate is in the office, during normal business hours to serve you. Please feel free to call whenever you need help with, or more information about, your rights as a crime victim. You can also find more information below.
Timothy J. Rutkowski,
Huron County Prosecuting Attorney
We realize being a victim of crime is often a stressful experience. To make you feel more comfortable with the criminal and juvenile justice systems' procedures that follow your report of the crime, the Crime Victim Advocate is in the Prosecuting Attorney's Office to provide the following services:
Office of the Huron County Prosecuting Attorney
Huron County Building
250 E. Huron, Suite 103
Bad Axe, Michigan 48473-1317
Phone: (989) 269-9255
Fax: (989) 269-2744
Office Hours: Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m.-Noon; 1:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
The Michigan Crime Victim Compensation Act may provide financial assistance to crime victims who are injured, lose earnings or support because of a crime. The Crime Victim Advocate will answer any questions you might have concerning the Act and provide the forms necessary to make a claim.
To be eligible for compensation:
A claim must be filed within one year from the date of the crime or one year of the death of the victim. (Sexual assault cases must be filed within one year from date of reporting,)
Testifying in court may be a new experience for you that is both stressful and inconvenient, but our system of criminal justice depends on you. Your patience and cooperation make the system work.
Suggestions for your day in court:
TELL THE TRUTH. The single most important advice we can give is: Tell the truth.
DRESS NEATLY. It is important that you look appropriate in court.
BE PREPARED. Think about the questions you will probably be asked and the answers you will give to them.
STICK TO THE FACTS. The judge or Jury wants to hear only the facts as you know them to be, not what someone else has told you.
RELAX, SPEAK CLEARLY. You have nothing to fear when giving truthful answers. When you are asked questions give the Judge or ]ury your answer as clearly as possible.
A crime victim is defined as someone who has suffered direct or threatened physical, financial, or emotional harm as the result of a commission of a crime; or if that person is deceased, then the decedent's spouse, child, parent, guardian, sibling, or grandparent (in that order) is considered the victim.
The Michigan Constitution, Article I, section 24, enumerates the rights of crime victims, and is intended to allow victims to be compensated fairly for their suffering. The provision states that victims of crime shall have the following rights:
The right to be treated with fairness and respect for their dignity and privacy throughout the criminal justice process.
These rights are set forth in more detail in statutory forms by the “Michigan Crime Victim’s Rights Act,” where the rules for restitution are set out, including guidelines for notification of the victim upon release of the criminal, as well as other provisions.
A victim's rights are essentially the same whether the crime is committed by an adult or by juvenile, with the exception that if restitution is ordered to be paid when a crime was committed by a juvenile, the juvenile's Parents may be held responsible for payment.
Rights Which Automatically Occur
Rights Available Upon Your Request
Rights Which Automatically Occur
Rights Which Automatically Occur
Rights Available Upon Your Request
MCVNN is a free, confidential, computer-based service that provides two important services to victims of crime – information and notification regarding crimes committed in Michigan. It is available in English and Spanish.
For defendant or inmate custody status and court information, call 1-800-770-7657 and follow the automated prompts. You may also press "0" anytime during the call to speak to a representative.
Callers use basic information, such as prisoner number or name, to search the network database. The network will anonymously provide the caller with offender status, and information on upcoming court events/custody and hearings
In addition, crime victims may choose to register for automated telephone notification when an offender has a change in custody status throughout the criminal justice process.
You will be notified about the following events: Release, Transfer, Escape, Death, and Court events.
Registration is confidential. The prosecuting attorney and the Michigan Department of Corrections will help crime victims register for notification. The only information required from you is a telephone number which is kept secure and confidential.
To locate an offender in a county jail or state prison or to receive court information, any person may call the network hotline directly from a touch-tone phone at 1-800-770-7657. Once connected, follow the automated prompts given by the network. The Michigan Crime Victim Notification Network is available in English and Spanish.
To receive network notification of change in court schedules, crime victims may register with their prosecuting attorney. To receive network notification of a change in custody status for offenders housed in state prisons, crime victims may register with the Michigan Department of Corrections.
Anyone may register to receive network notification of change in custody status for offenders housed in county jails by calling 1-800-770-7657.
In all cases, registration is confidential.
If you choose to register for notification, you will receive a PIN (Personal Identification Number). The PIN is a four-digit number that you choose which will he kept secure and confidential. Select a number that is easy for you to remember and write it down. After you get a notification call from the network, enter your PIN using the touch-tone numbers on your telephone. That will let the network system know that you have received the message.
What if I am not at home or my phone is busy when I receive notification? The network is designed to allow every opportunity for you to be notified. If there is no answer or the line is busy, calls will continue for a minimum of 24 hours. The network will leave a mess age on an answering machine, but will continue to call for 24 hours or until the PIN is entered.
Yes, but each registration must be done separately and requires a PIN.
This program is designed to provide you with quick and easy access to information and to assist you in preparing for an offender's release. It is important for you to protect yourself once you are notified of an offender's release.
The Michigan Crime Victim Notification Network is a free service of the Michigan Department of Community Health, Crime Victim Services Commission, in partnership with the Michigan Department of Corrections, Department of Attorney General, Prosecuting Attorneys Coordinating Council, Prosecuting Attorneys Association of Michigan and the Michigan Sheriff's Association.
All costs are paid by assessments collected from convicted criminal defendants.